Here are 10 key takeaways from the book “True North: Emerging Leader Edition” by Bill George and Zach Clayton:

  1. Discover Your Authentic Self: Knowing your deepest values, beliefs and motivations is crucial for authentic leadership. Example: GM CEO Mary Barra’s working-class upbringing shaped her authentic leadership style of hard work and humility.

  2. Embrace Life’s Crucibles: Challenging life experiences act as “crucibles” that help you discover your True North by testing your will and values. Example: Nelson Mandela’s imprisonment deepened his commitment to forgiveness and reconciliation.

  3. Develop Emotional Intelligence: Great leaders balance intellectual capabilities (IQ) with emotional intelligence (EQ) - qualities like self-awareness, empathy and courage. Example: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella’s focus on EQ and mindfulness.

  4. Integrate Your Life: Authentic leaders live their values consistently across all aspects of life - work, family, community. Example: Starbucks' Howard Schultz integrating his Jewish heritage into the company’s values.

  5. Find Your Leadership Purpose: Determine your unique purpose for leading - the positive difference you want to make beyond just making money. Example: Merck CEO Ken Frazier’s purpose of expanding healthcare access globally.

  6. Build Enduring Relationships: Develop meaningful connections with your team based on trust and understanding their motivations. Example: Oprah Winfrey’s ability to deeply relate to her audience.

  7. Be an Inclusive Leader: Create diverse teams and take on complex societal issues like racial equality and sustainability. Example: Ariel Investments' John Rogers addressing racial injustice.

  8. Lead with Empathy: Show you understand others' perspectives and experiences through empathetic listening. Example: Jacqueline Novogratz empathizing with poverty to build businesses for the poor.

  9. Navigate Paradoxes: Effective leadership requires embracing seeming contradictions like confidence/humility, ambition/service. Example: Warren Buffett balancing confidence and humility.

  10. Keep Growing: Discovering and living your True North is a lifelong journey of continual learning, reflection and growth as a leader. Example: Bill George’s own evolution from hard-driving CEO to servant leader.