Here are 10 key takeaways from Tim Ferriss' book “Tribe of Mentors”:

  1. Embrace Discomfort: Seek out uncomfortable conversations and actions to grow. Example: Ferriss emphasises that “success can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations we are willing to have”.

  2. Focus on Principles Over Methods: Grasp fundamental principles to successfully adapt methods. Example: Investor Adam Robinson notes “what makes no sense is their model of the world. The world always makes sense.”.

  3. Celebrate Small Wins: Keep a “Jar of Awesome” to record and revisit positive moments. Example: Ferriss suggests this practice to counteract negativity bias.

  4. Prioritize Physical and Mental Health: Invest in exercise, meditation and well-being for sustained success. Example: Many mentors emphasize the importance of these practices.

  5. Experiment and Iterate: Treat life as a series of experiments to discover what works best for you. Example: Ferriss is known for testing various productivity and lifestyle techniques.

  6. Cultivate Curiosity: Actively seek out new ideas and perspectives through reading and learning. Example: Brain Pickings curator Maria Popova encourages a lifelong love of learning.

  7. Develop a Morning Routine: Structure your first 60-90 minutes to set the tone for the day. Example: Ferriss and other mentors share their morning rituals.

  8. Reframe Failures: View mistakes and setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. Example: Ferriss notes that failures have shaped many successful people.

  9. Invest in Mentors and Education: Seek out guidance from experienced people and continually expand your knowledge. Example: Legendary investor Warren Buffett emphasizes the importance of acquiring knowledge.

  10. Prioritize Relationships and Helping Others: Dedicate time to meaningful connections and contributing to others' success. Example: Mentors like Jacqueline Novogratz have built careers around helping people.