Useful AI Links

Aggregator/Community: Hugging Face: An AI community platform facilitating collaboration among the machine learning community on models, datasets, and applications. There's an AI for That: A comprehensive database featuring thousands of AI tools for various tasks, updated daily and utilized by over …

101 real-world GenAI uses cases from Google

Microsoft’s Future of Work 2024 , highlighting the use of LLMs in the workplace

House of Lords committee review on GenAI

A proposal for the modern AI stack

Every year Benedict Evans produces an invaluable resource for anyone doing research, analysis or strategy work in tech. This the report for 2024.

Great overview of the Netflix architecture

Really helpful graphic comparing SDLC vs DevOps vs NoOps. Useful to guide conversations about org’s maturity and where they should sit.

Piece from the Google team on what AI can/can’t do when improve marketing for consumer brands

Huge in China, now growing in India, surprised there isn’t more of it in Europe - live stream e-commerce

10 takeaways from ‘The Hard Thing About Hard Things’

Here are 10 key takeaways from Ben Horowitz’s book “The Hard Thing About Hard Things”: There are no shortcuts to knowledge: Relying on conventional wisdom and shortcuts can be worse than knowing nothing. Example: Horowitz emphasises that CEOs are always learning through …

10 takeaways from ‘Moneyball’

Here are 10 key takeaways from Michael Lewis' book “Moneyball”: Challenge Conventional Wisdom: Billy Beane questioned the traditional methods of evaluating baseball talent used by scouts. Example: Beane focused on undervalued skills like on-base percentage rather than tools like speed …

10 takeaways from ‘The Lean Startup’

Here are 10 key takeaways from Eric Ries' book “The Lean Startup”: Entrepreneurs are Everywhere: Entrepreneurship is a mindset that can be applied in any organization, not just startups. Example: Ries cites the example of “intrapreneurs” who innovate within established …

10 takeaways from ‘The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing’

Here are 10 key takeaways from Al Ries and Jack Trout’s book “The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing”: The Law of Leadership: It’s better to be first in a category than to be better. Example: Coca-Cola was the first successful cola, even though Pepsi may taste better to some. …

10 takeaways from ‘In the Plex’

Here are 10 key takeaways from Steven Levy’s book “In the Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives”: Engineering Mindset: Google’s success is rooted in its engineering-driven culture that values speed, openness, experimentation, and risk-taking. Example: …

40 products not built in the West that are changing tech

2023 Ofcom report on news consumption in the UK -

UK Gov report on Digital Transformation -…

Deep dive into how Twitter Fact-checking system -…

Ofcom research of time spent on mobile in 2022 -

Digital blueprint for Greater Manchester -

Useful graphic comparing Product vs Delivery Mgmt activities

Graphic showing impact of C-19 - during its height- on digital transformation

Helpful graphic showing the transition from waterfall to Agile

Nice Venn Diagram for Product, Tech, Delivery overlaps