AI Agents by Domain

If you want to get started with using a pre-built #ai tools to help your business but don’t know where to start, this is a helpful map of #ai agents grouped by domain. I think it also serves as an interesting snapshot of where the best use cases must be

Interactive wheel of the basic human emotions, how they relate to each other, intensify and combine to form more complex feelings. Useful to help people/leaders understand how they feeling in the moment and react more constructively in negative situations.

Useful AI Links

Aggregator/Community: Hugging Face: An AI community platform facilitating collaboration among the machine learning community on models, datasets, and applications. There's an AI for That: A comprehensive database featuring thousands of AI tools for various tasks, updated daily and utilized by over …

Microsoft’s Future of Work 2024 , highlighting the use of LLMs in the workplace

Every year Benedict Evans produces an invaluable resource for anyone doing research, analysis or strategy work in tech. This the report for 2024.

Useful research into the 6 different types of conversations you have with GenAI, summarised in a helpful graphic.

Excellent Ofcom study for our online habits in 2023. 4 in 5 online teenagers use GenAI

An MIT study on how people perceive content created by AI

Ofcom research of time spent on mobile in 2022 -