Useful AI Links

Aggregator/Community: Hugging Face: An AI community platform facilitating collaboration among the machine learning community on models, datasets, and applications. There's an AI for That: A comprehensive database featuring thousands of AI tools for various tasks, updated daily and utilized by over …

101 real-world GenAI uses cases from Google

Microsoft’s Future of Work 2024 , highlighting the use of LLMs in the workplace

House of Lords committee review on GenAI

A proposal for the modern AI stack

Every year Benedict Evans produces an invaluable resource for anyone doing research, analysis or strategy work in tech. This the report for 2024.

An MIT study on how people perceive content created by AI

Techie blog from Google and how they architecture their LLM training environments

List of most visited AI sites by monthly traffic -…

Useful article on compute costs of training LLM’s -…